Rooman, C. (2023). Back on track: Work resumption quality after burnout and its determinants (PhD Thesis). Ghent University. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ghent, Belgium.

Rooman, C., Sterkens, P., Schelfhout, S., Van Royen, A., Baert, S., & Derous, E. (2022). Successful return to work after burnout: an evaluation of job, person and private related burnout determinants as determinants of return to work quality after sick leave for burnout. Disability and Rehabilitation , 44 (23), 7106 7115.

Rooman, C., Michielsen, T. & Derous, E. (2022). Overkwalificatie en Werkverveling: Job Crafting als Moderator? [Overqualification and Job Boredom: Job Crafting as a Moderator?]. Gedrag & Organisatie , 35 (3), 259

Sterkens, P., Baert, S., Rooman, C. C., & Derous, E. (2021). As If It Weren't Hard Enough Already: Breaking down Hiring Discrimination Following Burnout. Economics and Human Biology, 43 .

Koçak, A., Rooman, C., Duyck, W., & Derous, E. (2022). Mind the ad: How personality requirements affect older and younger job seekers' job attraction. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 95 (3), 718

Sterkens, P., Baert, S., Derous, E., Moens, E., & Rooman, C. (2022). Determinanten van burn-out en drempels voor latere arbeidsmarktre-integratie: De ervaringen van (ex-)patiënten in kaart [Determinants of burnout and barriers to subsequent labour market reintegration: Mapping the experiences of (former) patients].
OVER.WERK (Leuven), 32 (1), 129 140.

Koçak, A., Rooman, C. & Derous, E. (2023). "Het spijt me (niet)": Herstel na een verontschuldiging door een mannelijke versus vrouwelijke CEO ["I'm (not) sorry": Repair after apologies from a male versus female CEO]. Gedrag & Organisatie, 36 (1), 32 56.

Sterkens, P., Baert, S., Rooman, C., & Derous, E. (2023). Why Making Promotion after a Burnout is Like Boiling the Ocean. European Sociological Review.

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